Welcome to Divyadarshin Yoga
"An Advanced personality development, A Scientific method of awakening
Emotional & Spiritual Intelligence by 24 HRS Meditation & Automations"
The Message:
Divyadarshin yoga is a discipline which leads to a blissful living, which puts no conditions, no limitations or need not lose any preferences or desires. It is not at all a difficult one it is very very easy. Only thing is, you have to understand the concepts & philosophy, for which no skill is required, no efficiency is required, no knowledge is required or no effort is required, instead you will be taken care of all aspects. Just be patient and pay attention, go through the concepts and understand naturally Slowly you will come to know how to put the effort, effortlessly.
Everybody feel that today’s world is very competitive, and needs to put lots of efforts to achieve success. However there are lots of limitations for putting efforts. Then if you know how to put the effort effortlessly, you can make wonders. You need not believe anything blindly. You can prove all the concepts yourself in your mind laboratory. There is no ambiguity in believing God. Believing God is believing yourself. Then confidence rises which makes you happy. Please understand, Gaining confidence every moment is success, losing confidence at any moment is failure.
This is a new invention in the field of human excellence. It is beginning of a new era in the process of self realization. It goes beyond all other conventional practises. It goes beyond the barriers of ‘time’, life is a ripen fruit for those who understand the secret. Practise is never separate from life. There or no failure as no suffering. Every moment in your life is meditation.
The great saint Swami Vivekananda says, “if you give up everything for your own salvation, it is nothing. Do you want to forego even your own salvation for the good of the world? You are God”. Please understand, the secret lies in how to give up or forego, without doing so physically. Eg: When you gifted your loved one, do you feel foregoing? Never, then you will found the real freedom.
But Love is not just relationship. Love is unselfishness, Love is giving, Love is confidence Love is tolerance, and Love is universal. It cannot be cultivated, it is derived from the purify of your heart and from the humble, honesty and Inner Silence. The entire nature is created for sake of your own realisation. Nothing is useless in this world. Every atom in this universe is sacred and divine. Then where is the suffering?
All the concepts of Divyadarshin Yoga are brought forward in the form of a book “The Instant Success”. By going through this book you will be able to understand the concepts of Truth, this moment, knowing self, absolute confidence and Inner silence etc.
All these concepts are really challenging. Yes, it is the responsibility of the author to make it understand. I have 100% confidence in you, which is a driving force for me. For achieving anything, we have the very powerful instruments “Automaticness” and “24 Hrs Meditation”. Once you understand the concepts of auto, you will be liberated from suffering irrespective of the bondage. If you say life is bliss, the first step in life is enlightenment. Then why should we lead a life of suffering? You need not suffer even for a single moment, because solution for all the troubles is there in your inner silence.
A Word from the Management
I feel it is a great opportunity of divine service. It is a result of the research done by the author for the past 8 Years inspired by Sri. Swami Vivekananda and Master Sri. Jiddu Krishna Murthy Garu. This effort is to spread the message for the cause of social service. I hope this will help the people at large.
- The concept itself specifies not to criticize any Individual, Religion, Caste, Creed or Nationality. It believes the universal acceptance, the unity and the oneness.
- A review on this book is published on July 4th 2014. Friday review in Hindu news paper as column “Meditate to Succeed”.
- The Aims and objectives, necessary guidelines and some important topics are provided in this website for the convenience of the readers.
- Anyone who is interested can also speak to the Master from Monday to Saturday 9PM to 10PM over Phone No. 8125336806 or 9247808223 or mail to damodarmanda50@yahoo.com.
Author by Damodar Manda